Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Testing Out a Logo for the Event

This is my idea for the logo for the Saint David's Day Dunking. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Digon dwl i drochi dros Dewi?

Digon dwl i drochi dros Dewi? - Dewch i Drochi i Dewi - Dydd Gwyl Dewi, Dydd Sul, Mawrth y Cyntaf 2009

R’ydw i’n edrych am Gymry sydd yn ddigon dwl i ymuno gyda fi Dydd Sul, Mawrth y Cyntaf 2009 yn Boston i weddio, fel mae rhai yn dweud oedd Dewi Sant arfer gweddio – yn sefyll yng nghanol y mor neu afon gyda’r dyfroedd i fynu at eu gwast.

Ie dyna chi, sefyll yn y dyfroedd i fynu at eu gwastiau yn Lloegr Newydd (New England) Pam? 1) I gael gymaint ag sy’n bosib o Gymru gwallgof, mynachaidd a Celtoffeiliaid i neidio mewn i’r afon a dathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi fel fydde Dewi wedi gwerthfawrogi, 2) i gael Y Wasg i droi fynu ar gyfer y foment wallgof yma sy’n edrych fel cymysgedd o Glwb Yr Eirth Pegynol, asgetigiaeth mynachaidd a Dydd San Padrig, a 3) i roi Cymru, Nawddsant Cymru a Gwyl Gendlaethol y Cymru yma ar y map yn yr Unol Daleithiau (hyd yn oed ymhellach?) a 4) i gael clonc a diod yn y dafarn gyda chyfeillion yn dilyn y weddi rewllyd gyda ffrindiau annwyl.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, cysylltwch a fi yn

Dwi’n edrych am bobl gwallgof sydd eisiau cael tipyn o sbort, ac sydd hefyd eisiau helpu i hybu Cymru a’r iaith Gymraeg

Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb i drefnu eich achlysur ‘Digon dwl i drochi dros Dewi eich’ hunan? Efalle allwn ni gyd-lynnu symudiad o seintiau sy’n crynu!

Phil Wyman
Salem, Massachusetts

translation by Gwenno Dafydd

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Looking Ahead to St. David's Day 2009

This blog has been set up for the purpose of putting Wales and the patron saint - St. David on the map. I came up with a crazy idea, and have spoken to a number of Welsh friends, to the General Consul of the British Consulate in Boston Philip Budden, and to the head of Marketing and Media for the Welsh Office of the First Minister in New York City. So far, the idea appears to have legs, and I am looking for more crazy people to join me on Sunday, March 1st 2009 in Boston to pray like Saint David supposedly prayed - standing in the river waist deep!

That's right standing in the river waist deep in frigid New England. Why? 1) To get as many crazy Welshmen, monastics, and Celtophiles to jump in the river with me and celebrate Saint David's Day like David might appreciate, 2) to get the press to show up for this insane moment which looks like a blend of the Polar Bear Club, monastic asceticism, and Saint Patrick's Day, and 3) to put Wales, the Welsh patron saint, and this Welsh national holiday on the map in the US,(maybe beyond?), and 4) to hang out at the pub following the icy prayer event with good friends.

If you are interested contact me at

I am looking for crazy people who want to have fun, and want to help with the promotion of Wales and the Welsh language.

Please keep watching. We will be planning a Saint David's Day Feast on this day as well.